What happens when I have to recharge the electric motorcycle?

Often they tell me: “Bella la moto elettrica, ma non ci sono le colonnine”. Is it true? Recharge an electric motorcycle is so difficult? Here's how things stand today in Italy.

Among the criticisms leveled at the electric motorcycle and between i 10 myths to dispel about it, dopo la autonomy issue it is common to come across the bitter and disconsolate finding that “in Italia non ci sono colonnine”. There are actually more charging stations than we think, but that's not the only point. So let's try to understand: what happens when I have to recharge an electric motorcycle?

When you are not using a service it is quite normal not to notice it.

When you start using it, instead, you discover it everywhere. So it is with the charging points. Speaking of fast charging and not sockets 220 domestic, a fine 2017 there were already 2.750 in Italy according to law. Of these, 443 sono quelli “high power”.

EnelX recharging points at the end of March 2019

The situation is evolving as shown in the above infographic published by EnelX and concerning its stations in March 2019.

I do not yet have the data of all operational stations at this time, but using the electric motorcycle I noticed that many columns have been installed and the increase in electric cars is there for all to see. Di conseguenza, aumentano anche le “pompe” per fare il pieno.

Various apps and services are used to track them on the go. There is that of Enel X – che ho avuto l’onore e l’onere di present in this video – ma ci sono anche quelli di EvWay or those that contain all the various operators and that I recommend to always have installed on the phone like Next Charge the ChargeMap. If you want to know more, I invite you to read How to recharge an electric motorcycle.

In genere a questo punto il detrattore dice “there is full of petrol pumps, there are few columns“. Well, So let's get to the aspect that I find most interesting of the whole thing. My answer is always:

“ci sono più pompe di benzina o più prese di corrente?”

Yes, because the electric motorcycle can also be connected to a normal household socket! Just any 220v through which the bike, similar to any household appliance, it absorbs about 1kWh, completely sustainable from any plant.

In short, staying on foot is not impossible (not even with petrol ... no?) but it is quite difficult.

Ma l’autonomy it will be enough? Let's find out.


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