La moto elettrica? it's all a conspiracy

old Studies, false, biased or partly taken are used to demonstrate desperately that the electric motorcycle is the result of an international conspiracy. It will be like this?

This is my favorite myth and usually it comes when you do not know what to say because you do not know the topic. surprising, rather, rilevare che testate giornalistiche facciano leva su queste logiche complottiste per tirare su un po’ di click e di lettori spacciando fake news per scoop.

Among the most popular theories it is that they would like the most polluting electric vehicles of Euro Diesel 6. I say it once and for all: It is fucked, a hoax, che fa presa sul sentimento del “it was better when it was worse” come I have already explained in this article.

Even assuming that the electricity came to 100% from fossil fuels (untruth, considering that in Italy we are already 30% renewable and growth is continuous) the electrical as mentioned at the beginning is most virtuous and the studies that are cited are old or manipulated.

Lo studio di Yale…

For example is often cited a Research of the University of Yale and published on Journal Of Industrial Ecology. Well. This research dates back to 2012, has not updated data, considers an energy production mix different from Europe and even surpassed in the States and is often quoted only partially drawing on the information that are convenient and not entirely.

…E quello del CERN

Altri studies that are attributed to CERN – ma non se ne conoscono gli autori né le pubblicazioni – mostrano contradictory data because they take as an element the only production of CO2 and comparing that produced by a diesel Euro 6 (measured in the laboratory) with that produced in the entire lifecycle of an electric car. It just does not make sense. First, because pollution is not only CO2 or only fine particles and second because even to produce a car endothermic is polluted and much. Not to mention the aspects of recycling traditional systems are virtually ignored.

The production of CO2

Already in 2013, studies of the JRC-Eucar-Concawe “Wheel to wheel” have concluded that a powered electric vehicle to 100% from fossil fuel (which it is obviously a non-sense) throughout the life cycle does not exceed the CO2 production of an endothermic.

Of course the production of a battery is expensive in terms of energy, but then it recovers during use.

However you think the electric vehicle, moto car or scooter it, come dico sempre is not the solution to all our ills.

Morale della favola

You have to acquire a new consciousness, understand that we are killing our planet for decades with everything we do in every moment of our lives. We have to ask how to change attitude all, stop thinking to have more and more things, objects, and focus on energy waste and material.

So yes, also take public transport to get to work or, perché no, a beautiful bike. Because remember that the bike is a virtuoso vehicle car but the bike it is compared to the bike. What I mean is that every choice we make has consequences and we should take them into account.

We can be riding on an internal combustion engine or electric, but if we do not change the mentality we're going anyway crashing into a wall.


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