The electric motorcycle is so noise is not bad and dangerous

The noise is the first to be brought up when talking about an electric motorcycle, sia perché “senza rumore non c’è gusto” sia perché una moto silenziosa è pericolosa perché non ci sentono arrivare: is so? I answer to both concerns without hypocrisy.

The noise on the bike It is an important sensory component, So I think I know anyone who has experienced the thrill of drive one. I know how beautiful the sound of my KTM 990 with Akrapovic exhausts and I was lucky enough to ride bikes from the mighty roar, such as the Honda RC30 or Laverda SF750. So I know what I'm talking.

Il motociclista medio – perdona la definizione – commette però two overstatements about the noise.

The first is to consider it an essential part of the driving experience, enough to rend their garments to the idea of ​​not having it. The second is to consider it a pleasant sensory component and also useful for others.

Noise is fundamental?

The first consideration we are, it is understandable, soltanto un po’ esagerata. Just driving an electric bike I realized as the exhaust noise actually covers many other noises and will impose stress on the go. When we are at a constant pace we lacks the pleasant climb speed and crackling on the release becomes a background noise at the end of the day affects not just our fatigue. Solo che te ne accorgi solo quando… non ce l’hai!

The noise affects others?

The second consideration, instead, It is just wrong. The noisy exhaust for others is a rupture of balls, a nuisance and there is certainly no love from the other inhabitants of the planet. I will become even more unpopular, ma il celebre motto “loud pipes save lives” è una boiata. Going with the power or with the endothermic I noticed the same misconduct. I felt in danger as much as.

Motorists fact will not hear you anyway. They are too focused on a cellphone or listening to the radio isolated in their airtight interior. Piuttosto when you're on an electric motorcycle gotta watch pedestrians, yes, We can not pretend that a problem in this sense does not exist. Il pedone spesso e volentieri attraversa a caso la strada e questo perché – specie in Italia – non abbiamo il rispetto delle regole. It would be enough to observe all the rules and not anything happen, there would be no accidents.

A pedestrian in the surrounding noise of the city does not hear you coming, He can not. But it is wrong to assume that we definitely feel alone because we discharge. For every way with the electric motorcycle you have to be doubly cautious and to respect ourselves first rules, to show us as much as possible, predict what others can do, resorting more easily to the horn.

The sound of silence

Quando si pensa alla componente “audio” della moto elettrica si pensa a un’assenza, to deprivation, when in fact the sound is, It exists and is much more pleasant than you think. The electric motorcycle is silent yes, but accelerating its hissing increases and seems to be on a torpedo. From above it it is exhilarating and not break my balls to others!

The myth on the noise of the electric motorcycle so you can dispel only partially. Di contro, think we all feel because we get an open drain is a nonsense that does not allow us to ride as we were on the last lap of a GP.


1 comment
  1. Ciao Nicola, I congratulate you for your genuine passion for motorcycles. Non ti definisco “motociclista” perché questo termine viene normalmente associato a Valentino Rossi e/o al classico smanettone che usa la moto soltanto la domenica, in estate, to run around on the mountain passes. There is nothing wrong with that, ma trovo triste limitarsi a ciò considerando quante belle esperienze si possano fare in moto…

    You strike me as someone who goes in motion because he really likes and does not need to prove anything to anybody.

    Premesso ciò, about the noise issue in relation to road safety, it would be enough that the law would oblige manufacturers to add a beep to the bike and the electric scooters (similar to the trucks when they go into reverse), which maybe comes up automatically under 40 mph or so. The problem of pedestrians who do not hear get it solved.

    Going back to my introduction, I would like to add this:
    the noise only serves to those who drive in a risky, for example surpassing regardless cars. In questo caso “fare casino” aiuta sicuramente ad essere percepiti, but why take so many risks relying on hearing of others?

    I drive in a manner that all things considered prudent (than the speed limit when they are not ridiculously low), I honestly do not feel I need to make me feel and by the way my bike is very quiet (Honda NC750X). They do not hear often get even cyclists when they are behind them, but it is enough to use your brain and common sense in these cases, for example slow down a bit and give others time to perceive us.
    E’ chiaro che se uno vuole guidare come se fosse il padrone della strada, at full speed and overtaking without criteria, there is noise that takes and sooner or later it will be involved in an accident.

    good job!

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