Alpi Grand Tour 2022, from Trieste to Nice. The video of the first part

From Trieste to Nice in six stages on the saddle of two single cylinders without a trace or a reservation. This was my Alpi Grand Tour 2022 and this is the first part of the video that I dedicated to him.
Alpi Grand Tour 2022, da Trieste a Nizza su Royal Enfield Himalayan e Scram 411 // Prima parte

This summer I realized a little dream that I kept in my drawer: combine Trieste with Nice in a single motorcycle tour, the Adriatic to the Côte d'Azur, the Julian Alps to Mercantour. I called him Alpi Grand Tour because that's exactly what it is: an exquisitely touristic voyage of discovery.

Experience the Alps for the day

I set out to do it in the most essential and simple way possible. So I called my friend Filippo (perché “happiness is such if shared” e perché è un ottimo fotografo on the road) and I chose two accessible bikes. In fact, I wanted the trip to be, above all, within everyone's reach. That anyone, seeing or reading my report, could take the bike and leave. With any bike and with minimal expense. This way of seeing also affected the modality and timing of the journey: it was supposed to last less than a week, there must have been no motorway sections, no real gpx track to follow and no reservations.

For these reasons the choice fell on Royal Enfield Himalayan and Scram 411, of which I have already spoken to you in the respective tests and in this comparison which I did with Filippo at the end of our trip. They are cheap and basic bikes but with which it is very pleasant to ride on minor roads, especially in the narrow mixed. And when there is no more asphalt, they don't stop, on the contrary.

In this video you will see the story of the first three stages, those that brought us from Trieste to Locarno. Qui sotto, instead, find the way we have come:

I hope you enjoy the video. If so let me know with a thumbs up, a comment or making it spin among your friends, to me it means a lot.

And if you want to ride with me, I remind you that you can join an exclusive community, the Clan, and thus support the publications of this blog. Hello!

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