Beeline mini navigator for motorcycles

How to reconcile navigation needs with the need to reduce distractions and with a classic look? I am using Beeline.

Introducing my latest purchase, a BMW R 1150 R, I spent a few words to point out (again) as much as he prefers old school instruments. Let me add that I like the essential ones, but it is a love for everything that is minimalist that I have been carrying for a long time and that obviously does not concern only the instrumentation of our bikes or their lines.

In short I hate displays modern because I find them too rich in information, sometimes difficult to interpret and in any case devoid of charm and personality. Nonetheless I find them a source of distraction.

The TFT displays of motorcycles were not enough, we have long since taken the habit of follow the directions on another screen, be it that of a navigator proper or a smartphone. In particular the latter, due to the fact that we already possess everything and use it with confidence, is now a regular guest of our handlebars. In both cases, I do not deny its usefulness, on the contrary, I myself make frequent use of it.

Although it is practical and useful to know the way to go, we all know very well that having the smartphone turned on in front of the eyes for navigation is a dangerous source of distraction: great, light, with graphics full of information, colors, numeri… In più magari non abbiamo disattivato le notifiche dei messaggi e delle telefonate.

This was not enough, it is also ugly to look at, especially on bikes with a more classic look. So how to reconcile the need for navigation with that of not getting distracted and keeping the look clean?

A minimalist solution

The solution I have adopted is called Beeline. I discovered it at least a couple of years ago and have been using it for more than a year now mounting it from time to time on the bikes I try and although it does not replace the 100% a navigator (or a good smartphone app) for completeness of functionality, it has become the tool that I use for several species in everyday trips because it provides only the essential information for the trip, that is the direction and distance of the next turn. And when you have what you need, you realize how everything else is not that important, on the contrary. Earlier I was talking about minimalism, do not?

In practice, the Beeline is a small watch with a sturdy body and a black white screen that can be mounted on a small support with two rubber bands or by mounting another special support that uses the Ram spherical attachment.

From an aesthetic point of view it is very pleasant e poco invasivo e lo schermo – lo dico subito per gli scettici – it can be seen well even in full sunlight. But how is it going from the point of view of navigation?

Take advantage of Google Maps but also accept GPX

The Beeline alone does not sail, Here because it is not to all intents and purposes a navigator. To work it needs to be connected to the smartphone which really acts as a navigator. It connects via bluetooth quickly and steadily and communicates with the appropriate app. This too is equipped with very intuitive minimal graphics and has never given me problems.

For navigation the app take advantage of Google Maps with which we are all familiar. The particularity, however,, is that it also allows you to upload .gpx files, save them in your own paths and follow the track. In fact, I also used it on the Benelli TNT 125 during mine #EscartonsPatent.

Little, leggero, its battery really lasts a long time. I mean you do days and days on the road. It connects in a flash with the bluetooth of the phone so that I can keep it in my pocket. It shows no notification and limits distractions a lot but richiede un po’ di abitudine to graphics totally different from any navigator.

The screen always shows us a big arrow that moves like a compass and indicates where our goal is in relation to our position. However, we must not fall into the trap of thinking that it is also an indication of the next turning point! That is indicated by the dot and the exit number in the case of a roundabout as well as by the distance in meters. A series of bars on the edge instead show us how far we have to complete the journey.

In other words it is graphics designed to minimize distractions but what, in realtà, i primi tempi finisce per distrarre semplicemente perché ci mettiamo un po’ di tempo ad elaborare l’informazione. Once you get used to it, however, it is actually much more intuitive, even if perhaps it would have been better to give more emphasis to the turning point and less to the position of the final goal.

La modalità “bussola”

This graphic is also explained by the fact that può essere utilizzato in modalità “Bussola”. In practice, it will not give us any turning directions, but it will simply show us where the destination is compared to us and how many kilometers are missing. Reaching one's destination thus becomes a sort of treasure hunt: it is I who decide where to turn, I do the path by trying to get closer and closer. It is not particularly suitable, however,, if you have an appointment.

A tool against laziness? Very Well!

By using the Beeline more and more often, even for longer journeys, I realized another thing that I like because it is stimulating: it forces you to be less lazy and to understand where you are and where you are going. Con la consueta navigazione siamo abituati ad essere condotti passo dopo passo e anche se la navigazione di tipo “turn by turn” del Beeline in fondo è la stessa cosa, Having less information leads me to pay more attention to road signs. So when I decide a destination and plan the trip on the app, I already start studying the best route, for example by deleting motorways, and I try to memorize some names of the centers that I will go through. So at the turns I try to go the old way, or reading the signs, sure to be able to take a fleeting glance at the Beeline for confirmation.

And then it has a nice look that doesn't look bad at all either on my Roadster or on a special but not even on a more modern bike. So much so that recently the Beeline it was also chosen by Triumph for a designer series and you can choose with both plastic and aluminum shells.

I like:

  • size
  • battery life
  • limit distractions
  • makes you less lazy
  • aesthetic impact
  • ability to upload gpx
  • efficient bluetooth connection
  • very simple app

I do not like:

  • the graphics are not as immediate as they seem at first
  • il supporto con gli elastici è il più bello esteticamente perché “sparisce” alla vista, but the rubber bands can be broken easily
  • a couple of times he froze in the same way: mi sono fermato per qualche minuto in un punto in cui non c’era segnale ed è entrato in una sorta di “ricalcolo”; it was enough to close the app, turn it off and start over
  • quando esci dalla traccia che stai seguendo non ti aiuta a recuperare ma continua a indicare la svolta in cui hai “sbagliato” strada

Prices from 178 Euro its

  1. Hello, Excuse me, but it's no big deal not to recalculate? how you behave in those cases? I ask why I am considering the purchase. I also have some doubts about exits with crossroads ... if you have the patience to answer, thank you! Hello

    1. So I try to explain better why you are not the first one who asks me: when you set a destination and take the wrong road, it usually recalculates. But when you have loaded a gpx track and you are following it it tries to bring you back to the track at the closest point to that, most likely, per un bel po’ rimane il punto in cui l’hai lasciata la traccia. This yes is not the best. But if you are browsing normally he does the recalculation. You have to consider that the navigation is Google Maps. So try Google Maps and it's the same thing. The Beeline does nothing but show you the directions on the display and function as a kind of compass. He is not a real navigator, to navigate is always the phone with google maps. I hope I have clarified. Hello!

      1. Perfect, thank you ... very clear and very kind.
        One last thing …. in your opinion there may be some valid reason to buy the one with the metal frame?
        Thanks again!

        1. more than anything else it is an aesthetic motivation, metal is certainly more beautiful. I guess the metal one is even more robust, but I have the plastic one and I don't think it's at risk of getting damaged.

      2. Fabrizio Spinelli. Fabrizio Spinelli. Fabrizio Spinelli, per quello che fa… cioè, alla fine, Fabrizio Spinelli 750 fa praticamente la stessa cosa e ha un display da 2,8″ a colori… e me lo uso anche sulla bici (Fabrizio Spinelli). Fabrizio Spinelli, Fabrizio Spinelli, Fabrizio Spinelli.
        Fabrizio Spinelli, Fabrizio Spinelli, Fabrizio Spinelli.

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