Motoretto's official T-Shirt has arrived!

If you are crazy about my logo or you never know what to wear here is my high quality and eco-friendly Black T-Shirt! You can have it in all colors as long as it is black.

Alle volte capita di non sapere più cosa mettersi… Noi motociclisti siamo così, we open our closet full of t-shirts with glorious motorcycle logos of yesteryear and we can't make up our minds. After all, our friends have already seen them all! So which one to wear?

Niente paura! Once again Motoreetto comes to your rescue!

In collaboration with Wot Optional Apparel I made a very special edition of t-shirts, under the banner of I reduce, Reuse, Recycle. In fact, I did not want to increase the already abnormal production of fast fashion with a banal gadget.

Mine Black T-Shirt they are made only with cotton 100%, 145 gr/m2, and with an eye to sustainability. The production of cotton is certified senza l’utilizzo di pesticidi o coltivazioni intensive in paesi in via di sviluppo e anche la spedizione ha la dicitura “clean shipping”, that is, it uses ships with a lower environmental impact.

There are no unnecessary synthetic additional labels, solo quella dei lavaggi obbligatoria per legge e l’external label with my logo is handmade from recycled cardboard. The cord is also made of paper, while the transparent bag is made of plastic and can be reused and recycled.

Se ti piace il mio logo e vuoi dirlo a tutti o se semplicemente non sai cosa metterti… la Black T-Shirt ufficiale di Motoreetto è la soluzione per essere sportivi, elegant and even more intelligent!

My Black T-Shirt is a shirt that goes well with everything and everyone, but that basically looks good on its own too! Un po’ come siamo noi motociclisti.

You can choose it in all the colors you want, as long as it is black! (as Henry Ford said about the Model T). Sizes range from S to XL.

Scrivimi to receive it in the launch offer a 18 Euro shipping included!

Oppure joins the Motoretto Clan e ricevila in regalo dall’abbonamento “Tre cilindri” in sù.

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