What about the charging point at the Bike Shed MC London?

At The Bike Shed Motorcycle Club in London have installed a fast column for charging electric bikes. I'll explain why the news is interesting.

Our times are curious, in which the installation of a fast charging column in a London club even becomes news to be embroidered on it. Yet that's it and I'm here to explain why.

The Bike Shed MC it is not just a local. In London in recent years it is IL locale. Elected reference for British motorcyclists, he has been able to build a reputation that goes far beyond the boundaries of his majesty.

Its fame is linked to the many initiatives promoted and in particular to the show that attracts fans from both the Old and the New Continent.. Those red brick walls al 384 of Old Street they have become a sort of refuge on rainy London nights for anyone on two wheels e, soprattutto, for those who care do it with a certain style.

Yes, because this is the important aspect to consider.

The Bike Shed immediately positioned itself as the place of trends. Here you can see the best specials, here preparers and collectors meet. Therefore, it is not just a motorcycle club or a restaurant, it is a real hub of aggregation for those who experience motorcycles as a lifestyle.

In recent days, the Zero Motorcycles SR / F driven by Cory West was put on display at Pikes Peak (see photo above), and this already makes one speak.

Learning that the first fast charging station has also been installed becomes news because, in the imagination of many motorcyclists, l’elettrico è ancora in contrapposizione con la “passione vera, autentica” per la motocicletta.

I always prefer to talk about alternative and, a quanto pare, even at the Bike Shed they think like me. Their choice to install a charging point represents the desire to seize new opportunities without distorting and sends us a message.

You can enjoy the bike in many different ways: there are those who love Harleys, who tessellated them, chi i semimanubri italiani o giapponesi e chi… le elettriche. This is a new niche, so why not welcome her into the family?

Dutch Van Someren, founder of The Bike Shed, he explains it simply: “At the Bike Shed we welcome everyone, and with the advent of electric motorcycles, offering a column to our guests who travel on electric motorcycles was the least we could do to confirm our inclusive policy. Speriamo che sempre più motociclisti “elettrici” ci vengano a trovare”.

In addition to inclusiveness, the installation of a charging point by the company EO Charging it's obviously a marketing move to get a few more potential customers and make the news. But not only. I also see the interpretation of an ongoing trend.

I think it is clear to everyone that we are talking more and more about electric vehicles (almost to the point of nausea, è vero). If for cars the passage seems marked and near, for motorcycles it is much further away and there are still many skepticisms and perplexities, perché la moto… La moto è un’altra cosa, lo sappiamo.

I experienced them on my skin last year, passing 12 months riding a Zero DSR, so I know something about it.

However, Dutch's choice simply tells us that the electric will be cool in the near future also for two wheels. The electron is trendy, in conclusion.

So expect to see this choice emulated by other clubs and venues soon: in a short time it will be normal to find the column to fill up in front of our favorite place.

As he explained Miles Freeman, head of marketing at EO Charging: “electric cars have monopolized the attention of the media in recent years, but now it's time for battery-powered motorcycles to attract as much attention as possible. To be successful, however, it is important that the columns are not only in the city center, but also in the most famous and popular streets of the country”.

Just to know, the one installed at The Bike Shed is And the Mini Pro of 7 kW (così inizi a prendere confidenza con le “taglie”) and thanks to its particularly compact dimensions it is the smallest magazine on the market.

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