Su Fuel Magazine racconto la Romantische Strasse e una sexy F3…

On the number 6 Fuel Magazine, now on sale, racconto la mia Romantische Strasse e presento la conturbante “La Rouge”, MV Agusta F3 revisited by Tricana Motorcycles.

I work with Fuel Magazine since the first issue. It is a new bimonthly publication in the field of cycling which now comes in sixth dossier on the site and find already some of my articles that have appeared in recent months.

To this number, nella sezione “garage”, mi sono occupato di raccontare “The Red one“, a special perturbing Tricana Motorcycles su base MV Agusta F3. A high-class work, no doubt about it, per questo ho titolato “The redhead with blue blood“. Here, the red and blue of the racing of the nobility go hand in hand for a special made only with parts coming from other MV Agusta or ad hoc realized by Jonathan of Tricana, workshop in Lausanne.

Nella sezione “Ride Out” – quella dedicata ai viaggi e che ha già ospitato il mio racconto tra Provence and the Camargue riding Triumph Bonneville T120 nel primo numero della rivista – questo mese ci trovi il mio reportage dalla Romantic street, destination for a romantic weekend riding Yamaha FJR1300 and which I will reclaim the video below.

I hope you like them and you like the articles the newspaper. Do not forget to let me know what you think!

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