Harley-Davidson LiveWire: because data and price are a disappointment

Autonomy and price of LiveWire, the first bike 100% electric Harley-Davidson, They were for me a cold shower: possible that they are so little competitive?
Harley-Davidson LiveWire svelati dati e prezzo: che delusione! - MOTOREETTO

Ieri 7 gennaio 2019 Harley-Davidson has unveiled the first official data on its LiveWire, the first electric motorcycle made in Milwaukee. I mentioned it once in this article.

As the hours passed, however,, my disappointment has not subsided. Is it possible that the bike that should mark a milestone in Milwaukee has production data and a price so little competitive compared to the best existing competition in the electricity market for years?

This my first brief reflection waiting to get more details soon and to be able to experience firsthand the bike that I elected Queen of EICMA just over a month ago.

Harley… non mi deludere!


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