Hellas Rally 2014, Registration open

It is no small potatoes for the Sunday motorettari, l’Hellas Rally is a pretty tough test for enduro, quad, dune buggy e 4×4 e si corre dal 20 to the 26 April 2014 nei pressi di Lepanto in Grecia. (yes the one of the famous battle)

The temptation to fill out the form and sign up is strong, soprattutto da quando ho visto che c’è anche una categoria “chrono free”, or non-competitive, and also an ironing board nailed like me could groped to deal. A tickle my fancy enduro there are also indications of veterans as Alessio, rally driver and the author of this wonderful gallery of last year: a quanto pare l’Hellas Rally, originally known as Evia Rally, has improved from edition to edition refining every aspect of the organization. Scorrendo le pagine del sito – e leggendo qualche articolo sulle passate edizioni – scopro che è cresciuto da evento amatoriale a rally dedicato ai professionisti senza però perdere (at least for the moment) il clima più “familiare”. In other words it is a mega rally Dakar to speak or type Pharaohs, è un rally “minore” ma che può contare su uno zoccolo duro di affezionati, organizers capable and a geographic area that is second to none. Lepanto only a few kilometers from the port of Patras, easily accessible from Italy, and from there you proceed into the wilderness to be explored.

Ciliegina sulla torta dell’Hellas Rally sono i costi di iscrizione contenuti per molte categorie. Per informazioni contattate direttamente: hellasrallyitalia@gmail.com.

It, instead, you do not feel ready to face the wonderful adventure of the rally, I suggest you contact the organizers directly, who have decided to make available their expertise to organize your exploration of the territory. To learn more visit this page: http://hellasrally.org/adv-raid-italian/

Photo credit: Alessio Corradini

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