Himalayan o Scram 411? Here's which one I choose next 2.000 km

They took me from Trieste to Nice through narrow streets, dirt roads and steps and in the end I took one of the two home. Which one I choose between Himalayan and Scram 411 the Royal Enfield?
Himalayan o Scram 411? Quale scelgo dopo 2.000 km di viaggio sulle Alpi?

Royal Enfield Himalayan e Scram411 they share engine, chassis, chassis… But they have a different look, a slightly different riding position due to the two saddles and above all they have different front wheels: 19″ per la Scram e 21″ per la Himalayan.

Filippo next to Scram 411 e il sottoscritto con la Himalayan sul Monte Zoncolan durante il nostro Trieste – Nizza

It seems like a small thing and yet by riding them together you understand that they are two completely different bikes. Scram is more responsive, the Himalayan is more adventurous and touristic.

They were my and my friend Filippo's travel companions during ours GRAND TOUR ALPI 2022 and they took us from Trieste to Nice (actually with departure and return to Milan ...) in a week making us have much more fun than their data sheet suggests.

Easy to drive, to buy and manage, non vanno derubricate come semplici moto “low cost” per neofiti, because they have their own philosophy and are very nice to use even if you are an expert. On the contrary ... They make you reconsider your parameters.

But the question that everyone asked me during this journey of 2.000 km was: in the end which one would you buy?

Well ... the answer is that I actually took one of the two home!

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