Live interview with KarmaOnTheRoad

After a terrible accident and an amputation, Luca gets back on the saddle and with Giulia tries to raise awareness on the recycling of prostheses. This is the story of Karmaontheroad told live by the protagonists.
LIVEetto del 18 febbraio 2020

The LIVEetto the 18 February is dedicated to a couple, on the road and in life. Online they are now known as KarmaOnTheRoad, but their names are Luca and Giulia. Two guys like many who come from the province of Verona but who have a personal history of the tough ones and who have taken on a message that most ignore: here the prostheses are discarded and abandoned, while in Africa there are none. For this they have become ambassadors of Legs4Africa and last year they left for Senegal. Ma facciamo un passo indietro…

Because they became interested in recycled dentures?

One evening, while he was driving home from work, Luca was hit by a car. The accident practically forced him to bed for a year and over forty surgeries. His situation was very serious. A dargli la forza di andare avanti c’erano le attenzioni e cure di Giulia – che più tardi avrebbe convinto a diventare sua moglie – e il desiderio di ritornare in sella nonostante tutto, despite the fear, difficulties and a really battered left leg. With enormous effort and willpower, he succeeds, but his leg gives him trouble all the time, so two years after the accident he was forced to have an amputation. The search for the prosthesis makes Luca and Giulia discover a whole world they previously ignored, with its problems and contradictions. They discover that there are those who send prostheses to be recycled to Africa and so they literally set off. Thanks to their awareness campaign, over two hundred legs are collected for the Legs4Africa center in Dakar and this is only the beginning of their commitment.

In this freewheeling interview, KarmaOnTheRoad talks about themselves with a spontaneity and sincerity for which I can only thank them. Listen to them, because they have a lot to say.

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