The Gilera 300. [Podcast]

A Gilera 300 twin, beautiful like a wet dream. This is history in Moto Pasquale Bruno and two broke friends who dream big Brescia in the early fifties.

generous, folli, introverted or eccentric, baciati dalla dea bendata o condannati da un ineffabile destino. Sono i motociclisti, men and women ignited by a passion difficult to explain to those who fail the test, ma che li spinge a scelte fuori dal coro e talvolta a imprese eccezionali. Fin da bambino sono stato affascinato dalle loro storie e ho deciso di raccontartele. Queste sono le mie Stories In Motion.

The Gilera B300

I decided to record a podcast because there are so many stories that deserve to be told or sometimes re-told.

If you like and do not want any perdertene ISCRIVITI to my YouTube channel or on Spreaker page the, yet, listen to them on Spotify o Google Podcasts.

If you have a story to tell or suggest SCRIVIMI.

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