Books motion sick

The coronavirus forces us home? Non possiamo vivere la nostra “malattia” per la moto come vorremmo, concediamoci then some good reading: here are some books to read to be proud of the couch motorcyclists.

The photo copertina in Natalia Romey CC

Being forced at home can also have advantages. Oltre a stare con la propria famiglia – ok, maybe it's not always an advantage! – cerchiamo di vedere il lato positivo. Although we do not use the bike we can resort to balm of reading and soothe so our dependence with motorcycle erudition doses.

As I said in this appeal It is important in these days exposed to the least possible risks not only to the contagion but also ending up in hospital for trivial reasons. The structures are already in trouble, we try to help those who are working so hard for the health of everyone.

We are responsible: cooperate and follow the instructions.

Then, we stay at home. Yeah, but do? When we are gripped by the itching of the bike we can do different things, I can think on the fly some chance that you can find on this site:

The motorcycle reading balm

One of my favorite activities is definitely read. There are excellent books for us motorcycle enthusiasts and I take the liberty of some consigliartene. There are some of the titles that you know well because they are part of the library of every good biker, li ho già inseriti ne “i 5 Travel books in basic motorcycle“, and maybe it is worth re-reading. Ne aggiungo poi degli altri che magari conosci un po’ meno o che non verrebbero subito in mente pensando alla moto ma con la quale, instead, They still have a bond.

Ted Simon e Jupiter

Jupiter's Travels e i successi racconti di Ted Simon sono ormai dei classici per tutti gli appassionati di motociclismo e di moto turismo alla stregua dell’arcinoto “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” di Robert Pirsig o di “American” di Che Guevara. Place them in this list is right and all too obvious: if you still have never read even one starts right “I viaggi di Jupiter”, because yours is a gap to be filled immediately. Then switch to “Sognando Jupiter: il giro del mondo in motocicletta trent’anni dopo”.

One Man Caravan

I have already spoken in the past of this incredible account of Robert Edison Fulton travel that in 1930 is the first world tour by motorcycle. It takes us to another dimension from which seem light years passed: nearly a century has passed since that company and we are still gaping. So much it has changed since then, but you will be amazed at how many things have remained the same. To read absolutely.

Triumph the art of the motorcycle

Among the many monographs dedicated to one brand, that of Zef Enault and Micheal Levivier dedicated to Triumph worth mentioning. I found discounted at Amazon and worth put in your library because it's a well-made book with pictures and manicured layout.

The king of cool

You say and think about Triumph Steve McQueen: a “The king of cool” e alle sue moto Matt Stone e Dave Ekins hanno dedicato This photo book very nice and interesting.

The Italian motorcycle

Written by Eight Grizzi and Massimo Clarke, “La moto italiana” traces the history of all the companies that have made the Italian motorcycling and divided for decades. Through models, images and anecdotes remind us of where we come and personally I consult often to find that thread that sometimes gets lost. Always useful!

The history of Moto Guzzi

Speaking of Italian brands can not but have an interest and curiosity about the history of Moto Guzzi, on which various events there are some publications of which have found their place in my library. I like the book edited by Puccetti “Moto Guzzi. Quando le moto hanno l’anima” which, unfortunately, at the moment it seems to be exhausted. Niente paura, because there is limited “Moto Guzzi dal 1921 ad oggi” di Mario Colombo e Franco Daudo updated in 2018.

The Tao of the trip

The compendium of Theroux is a must for all travelers regardless of the way they prefer to move, if walking, boat or motorcycle. by having.

Hell’s Angels di Hunter Thompson

Forse non tutti sanno che l’inventore del “gonzo journalism”, famoso ai più soprattutto per il suo “Paura e delirio a Las Vegas”, in 1965 he spent a year as an infiltrator among Hell's Angels living with them, facendo proprio lo stile di vita e “il credo” degli Hell’s Angels che in quel periodo terrorizzavano l’America con le loro scorribande e il loro modello.

I'll take you in Bray Hill

The motorcycle dream recounted with shiny romance. Questo sapeva fare e ha fatto il grande Roberto Patrignani che nel suo imperdibile “I'll take you in Bray Hill” ci racconta di come un motociclista di mezza età trascinato dalla passione e dagli eventi si ritrovi a correre al Tourist Trophy. Beautiful.

Dakar, Hell in the Sahara

The epic and tragedies of great racing in the desert Envoy told that he followed and lived as a reporter. Beppe Donazzan ci racconta i primi anni della Parigi – Dakar attraverso gli episodi più emblematici e ci fa capire lo spirito originario e i grandi sacrifici richiesti da questa insana e maledetta passione.

These are some tips, but I plan to update and expand this list in the future because I always valid. So keep an eye and occasionally goes over control!

Buona lettura.

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