Moto elettrica: is silence the new black?

What is the state of the art electric motorcycle? Per la Newsroom di Technogym mi è stato chiesto di raccontare in modo “potabile” anche ai non avezzi alle due ruote, such as electric coop and can also change the face of motorcycling rude. This is what came out.

The moto elettrica sembra essere la nuova “big thing” nel settore delle due ruote. It is actually a change in place for years and still has many uncertainties about their future. Da un lato la resistenza – comprensibile per alcuni aspetti, meno per altri – di una buona fetta di motociclisi e dall’altro la minaccia che arriva da altri veicoli affini come il grande sviluppo delle e-bike.

In such an uncertain panorama for two wheels, but that seems increasingly certain to four wheels and opens up many new possibilities to live their passion, I tried to take stock of the situation for the Newsroom of Technogym, site where the famous brand of sports equipment deals with trends.

The result is this article about “Vantaggi di guidare una moto elettrica”. Perché sì, there are advantages (and I plan to return to it here on my blog). Mine is more like a trip to the driving sensations and as our pleasure of riding is inevitably changing, Whether or not to accept the electric motorcycle in the garage.

Buona lettura:

Read my article on the electric motorcycle on the site Technogym.

In the cover photo created by Max Serra, the Zero Motorcycles DSR under construction Black Forest, moto 100% I'm using electricity from 6 months with satisfaction. See the videos of my Electric Motorcycle Diaries >>>


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