The turn-off of the couch

David has a thousand reasons not to get up from the couch, not to listen to that little voice, while browsing a motorcycle magazine with a trip to head north, She reminds him of what would be good to get back in the saddle. Last but not least the arrival of her second child. Eppure…

Storie in Moto è il podcast in cui racconto… beh storie in moto! Protagonists are exceptional and ordinary motorcyclists, epic or everyday adventures, the important thing is that there is a good story that is worth remembering.

I listen to it, I make it mine, I write and read it in this podcast, also a way to better endure this period in which we are forced to home.

You can listen to it on my channel YouTube, its Spreaker, its Spotify or his Google Podcasts.

Good listening!

And don't forget to suggest your story to

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