Tell me your story in motion

I want to talk about common drivers and motorcyclists, Experienced mechanics and improvisers of the torque, but also friends, husbands and wives, fathers and sons: all that is around our passion. I want to talk about you!

Cover my friend Paul portrayed by Michele Sorze in our last trip to Mongolia.

Last night I did not sleep much.

As it happens in these cases, I try to divert my thoughts toward a creative stimulus. I do not want my head to be lost between tasks, various appointments and emergencies. Since we have to stay awake, better use of time into something constructive, do not?

I also thought it would be really nice if someone, in a moment like that, to tell me a story.

Then, however,, I also thought that someone, usually, sono io.

Così ho ripreso un’idea che avevo avuto un po’ di tempo fa ma che ho lasciato lì da parte, nell’angolo reso polveroso dal turbinio delle “cose-da-fare-subito”: or telling stories of passion.

Life stories, successfull, failure, of friendship. Anecdotes, episodes worth sharing with others.

Because the stories, dai, nice ones we like forever and never die.

I therefore got out of bed, ho preso il mio taccuino degli appunti e ho iniziato a buttare giù un po’ di queste storie, memory. Some unknown, other more or less known, but always stimulating. As I was writing this list, however,, I thought: “who knows how many other stories are out there just waiting to be told!“.

Often write to me and trust me a little about yourself: the embarrassment in the choice of a motorcycle, the magic back in the saddle after a long time, the satisfaction of a long lived with a friend. Ecco, keep doing it! On the contrary, do more!

Each of us has some story to tell. If you want to entrust your story in motion, I will charge me to tell it as best as I can.

Write it in

How to write your story in motion?

send me a simple email.

No messages on social, no video, no photos. Only a short text.

I recommend 1st: tries to be synthetic and go right to the point. Do not worry about me all the details: If the story is interesting I'll ask them of you.

I recommend 2nd: sono certo che la tua “carriera” motociclistica è avvincente, but at the moment it is not what I'm looking for. Avoid therefore the compendium of bike that you owned because that's not what we're going to tell. They must be life stories, They have left something in their wake.

If you go tell me also perché, secondo te, it is worth to share it with the others.

I can count on you?

I look forward to reading your story and to be able to tell everyone.



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