The return of the Dominator?

Scoop! Will the new Honda Dominator, to prove a patent.

Honda Dominator would be to return! The success that is recording the new Africa Twin (HERE my test) it is tangible: first in sales in Italy in this beginning of the year, has brought attention to the world's largest manufacturer and above all has brought many people into the dealership. I can not say whether this may or may not have done to regain consciousness Honda potential of its heritage, fattore che negli ultimi tempi a mio avviso aveva forse un po’ troppo trascurato inseguendo design più avveniristici e nuovi concetti motociclistici. The fact is that from a few hours turns the image of a patent that was recently registered in the US and on a road enduro middleweight who would remember the late lamented NX650 Dominator. Here it is below!

In fact in the Honda range would suit us 700 cc with wheel 21 which could inter alia leverage also many members of the NC platform and deal with Yamaha XT-Z Ténéré 660 as it was in its heyday. There being no longer in the list even the Transalp, c’è in effetti la mancanza di una “entry-level” tra le enduro stradali e una piccola Africa Twin non stonerebbe, I am sure you could do some interesting numbers. Ecco perché riporto questo “moto leak” sulla possibile nuova Dominator che, at this point, But we should not see before 2017.

Here the original article More Bikes UK.

1 comment
  1. Ricordo benissimo quando vidi il primo Dominator , nero con le scritte rosse e con i cerchi oro. Era stupenda .
    Io in ogni caso mi tengo stretto il mio TT , mono ad aria vecchi stile , Tanta sostanza e pochi fronzoli .

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