My bike in Mongolia: Shineray XY150 Mustang

La ricerca della “Moto Totale” mi ha spinto sulle desolate steppe asiatiche per guidare il non plus ultra delle dual sport, the grand vizier of the travel enduro, The wild horse of the prairie: la Shineray XY 150 Mustang, my bike in Mongolia!
La mia moto in MONGOLIA: Shineray xy150 MUSTANG // moto review // MOTOREETTO

“Ma come? Do not go with a nice Giessone?”

This was the reaction of my interlocutor on duty when I anticipated that for my trip to Mongolia I would have taken a motorbike on the spot and especially DEL place. Nothing to take away to our modern indeed traveling from endurone ADVENTOURING, but one thing to leave home with their bikes and go far away and another is arriving in a totally different country from ours and have to deal with a bike hire (or purchased there).

Ho imparato da esperienze passate che – specie quando si ha poco tempo a disposizione – the best thing is to take the bike mostly used by locals.

The correspondent for Marco Polo Team – organizzatore di questo viaggio – ci ha indicato senza indugi lei, the MUSTANG. So call the Shineray XY 150, a classic looking motorcycle that recalls indeed my old CB400N and other Japanese motorcycle late seventies early eighties.

Beyond the look, however, there is what I need for a trip of this type: simplicity and a pair of knobbly tires.

As I tried Vietnam e in Ladakh, for the kind of trip I intend to do it much better a bike with a few horses, lightweight and can get anywhere without get in trouble. And if we talk about Mongolia, this motion is the Mustang.

Everywhere you turn outside the center of Ulan Bator (dove ci sono solo auto in colonna…) you see one. This small Shineray practically has a monopoly in “Paese dal grande Cielo Azzurro”. E “tutti la conoscono” equivale quasi a dire “chiunque la sa riparare”. Almeno in teoria…

Luckily the Mustang that we took we were practically all new except for some. And I mean by new ZERO kilometers assets, still to be run in and yet with the nylon on the saddle and lightning. The have discarded in practice. instead will remain a mystery how far I've actually path with my, since the third time that the speedometer conked I gave up.

But enough of the waffle, passiamo alle “cose serie” e analizziamo la mia moto in Mongolia.


It will not be like a rabid desmo V4 or full-bodied like a beautiful Bavarian boxerone, but this mono puts the soul. It spits pure. Especially when you try to squeeze it in salitoni from third full. The tachometer has an optimistic full scale in 14.000 giri… Ma è fantascienza. A 9.500 you feel that you'll soon find yourself a valve in hand. Remember the old CB early eighties Honda, solo un po’ attualizzato, ie cheapest. The reports are short, virtually the small and the first is right to leave, but he also brings you anywhere on asphalt where, giusto con un po’ di abbrivio, It can break the wall of a hundred times! Air cooling and waded. A warranty.


With all these holes you do not need something solid and peremptory, But what it takes is just a suspension system that goes constantly to the package to make you understand that it is useless to insist with the throttle. Just to be reviewed One moment calibration.

Posizione di guida, ergonomic controls:

The most undersized are fully at ease. Per i più cicciottelli o spilungoni è necessario un po’ più spirito di adattamento, but you know what I say? Dopo qualche giorno – indolenzimenti cervicali a parte – ti chiedi perché mai abbiamo moto tanto grosse quando ti basta questo piccolo puledro. You always find everything you need and even that you do not need, as an edge when you're not at full speed. It happens due to the rocker lever of Lelly Kelly. The Sellone is rather nice and comfortable There are Mom, Pope, son and the grandmother. sumptuous.


Well here we touch its maximum. Only tubular guards deserve the ovation. We talk about the front carrier? I want it mandatory on any bike! And the passenger footrests? Other than zavorrina, Here you always think big. And then there are the Gear Indicator, USB prey (!!) e soprattutto la mappatura “STEPPA”.From the Arabian Nights in the saddle.

As you drive?

Gas hammer. In the sense that you always have to give everything. Scherzi a parte, It is much more flexible than what you think. You drive in an upright position with slightly open elbows and nice in the face grin. After the first five meters you've already used all limits, so you can feel calm and enjoy the journey. Collaborative maximum.


Get the information with pliers, ma ad Ulan Bator – dove un litro di benzina costa circa 60 centesimi di euro – tutto questo bendiddio new costs something like 750 Euro. In fact they are very different figures when compared to income of Mongolia where the average net salary of just over 300 Euros per month.

Because yes:

Why it is unstoppable and in its own way also has a certain charm.

Why not:

Beh, let's not be hypocrites: per i nostri standard ci vorrebbero qualche cavallino in più e una cura costruttiva “leggermente” superiore.


  1. Ciao Nicola,
    congratulations for your service .
    You have described the characteristics
    the bike perfectly and I think like you that sometimes you do not need the big powers to enjoy a trip like the one we just did
    One thing I have to add as a personal experience if you get distracted Mustang will disarciona

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