Mototerapia: Varazze a lucid madness day

My job is to find the words to describe the images I capture, but sometimes words are not necessary, just look at his eyes, smiles. Perceiving the desire of life that we breathe in every day Mototerapia, like that of yesterday in Varazze, the biggest annual event.

The event in May to Varazze the Mototerapia “national” It is now an institution. Among the many meetings organized by band Vanni Oddera e i Daboot, one in the Ligurian town is the largest and represents a kind of birthday party Mototerapia.

Also this year have gathered hundreds of boys and girls, volunteers and parents, motorcyclists and not, just to spend a day together, to have fun and to remove any barriers.

There are those who arrived the day before making hundreds and hundreds of kilometers and who got up at dawn. That is in Varazze a real pilgrimage but the only thing that is truly worshiped here is the life and the will to live every moment.

Once again Vanni Oddera, i Daboot and all volunteers are outdated and friends on the seafront in Varazze in addition to the motion of the Freestyle Motocross were lots of activities, thanks to which the distinction between able-bodied and disabled become little more than a joke.

Non solo there is no distinction, but often the specialists of all disciplines show that the categories you can easily fold down and get into trouble is not who is the bearer of a disability.

The Mototerapia continuously expands its borders and covers more than just the bike that well remain the vibrant heart of the action. Over time it has become a style, a way to face reality and others.

That's why people see that defy any physical difficulties and thanks to the simple help of friends engage in activities “extreme” like riding a bike, in mtb, on a watercraft or even helicopter (!!) suddenly becomes the norm.

That's why the Mototerapia is a lucid madness that in the end is far from crowds, it is magical, it's true, it is authentic. He knows no barriers and knows no boundaries.


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