Motovelocidad Del Valle in Colombia: robe and Mattia

Video dedicated to all those who are convinced to have fun (and be of great evil) it takes beasts from 200 CV.

Motovelocidad Del Valle is a group of geeks Colombian, of Cali in the Valle del Cauca with an inordinate passion. The video they have posted a few days ago and he is doing quickly around the web – as they say in these cases – it shows very well. They are not the only ones to draw their extreme little bastards and darting across the streets of the city as a novel John McGuinness in road races that does not pale as a danger to the noble Tourist Trophy.

Colombia Cauca Valley motociclad

In other parts of the world there is a widespread custom to process scooters every day until they become missiles by firing. In Indonesia, for example, tell us that defines the motion of banditos, as they often are also used for the escape after the robbery.

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