Sidecar Smilla

A dog in a sidecar against the ugliness of man.

Smilla will, sul sidecar Ural of Paul, a tour of Italy to embarrass many tourer navigated. Start on 26 July Gorizia and it's up most of the Italian soil, Including Sardinia, to return to the city of Friuli 1 September at the Festival Vegetariano (main sponsor of the). In the middle, as well as many miles, many stories of volunteers who fight every day against the neglect and ill-treatment of man's best friend. Smilla will be the face of this their daily toil going to greet them one by one on this tour Friends Organization of abandoned animals.

To learn more about the project and support it, Here's blog Smilla and Paul:

Of course you can not miss the Facebook page:

If you want to follow all the stages of the tour and maybe go to shake a paw Smilla, here they are: SidecarSmilla The Steps

Thanks to Black Moses.


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