EICMA 2014 it was concluded. But what was the ugliest bike salon? I made my nominations, candidate or vote for your ciofeche the Show 2014!
EICMA 2014 it was concluded, but we are all still beautiful hot. In the days following Motorcycle Show we wondered what were the best bikes of the event and came out of the whole. Among the many interesting news (#bombardoni) hard to put all agree, then I had an epiphany: we at least agree on the ugliest? Next on, let's stop being politically correct, begin to shoot the red cross: what are the most horrifying sights motorcycle at EICMA?
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In the ninth episode of #ParloDiMoto I made my nominations, Now it's up to you. The can vote in the comments or with #Ciofeche or you can nominate a bike that you hate the most. You can simply tell me that I do not understand anything! Next week proclaim in all cases ciofeche of the Show 2014. Next on, the more we enjoy ourselves more!