When riding a bike to the lakes Monticchio?
I will say a commonplace, but spring or late summer are the best times to go Potenza ai lakes “Gemini” of Monticchio. It should not be forgotten that the altitude in this path is always on 600 – 800 meters above sea level.
Road and away
As usual, I propose a simple route and not too long, meno di 130 km. A distance and a path which lends itself to all types of moto, displacement and power and that can easily be increased by adding other routes in Basilicata, for example in so-called Small Dolomites Lucane. In this way there are no specific reports: I recommend as always the greatest calm and prudence, the asphalt is not always as we would like it, but other than that it is an easy route easy.
What to see in power and Vulture
The center of Potenza It has many attractions for both its original shape both for prestigious buildings and churches. Leaving meet the Taccone Tower of the fourteenth century to Avigliano before the San Cataldo Bagni. Muro Lucano is certainly the most interesting town in this path. Here we can make an excursion to the nearby Caves of Vucculi. A Pescopagano we find the church of St. Lorenzo in Tufara. Finally on the small lake Monticchio It is overlooking the Abbey of St. Michael the Archangel, It built entirely in tuff in the eighth century AD.
The route soon
The treasures of the Lucania, sometimes little known especially people like me who lives in northern Italy, They know reserving admiration and great satisfaction to bike more curious tourist, one that takes the bike for the sake of knowing the places and people and not to record a distance or speed records. Of these treasures it is certainly an example of this route of about 130 km. It starts from power with its 819 meters above sea level is the capital of Italy's highest region. Also known as a "vertical city" – as well as for its stairs… You forewarned – It offers palaces and churches to admire. Continuing towards the town of Bella encounter of San Cataldo Bagni, where there is an ancient spa site recovery path. The road then leads us to the village perched on Muro Lucano rock. In addition to a walk in this country seriously injured during the earthquake in Irpinia, but now more than ever charming, we can grant to the caves of Vucculi. A latch then leads us to the Castelgrande and where Pescopagano, among the many churches, we can visit one of San Lorenzo in Tufara. The course of the river Ofanto finally takes us to the twin lakes of Monticchio, born to two craters of Mount Vulture and important water reserve today. Overlooking the small lake there is the Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo built in the eighth century A.D., great excuse to sit a bit’ more in this place of peace. After the well-deserved rest, We can end our trip between the town buildings Rionero in Vulture where we can find everything we need.