Paper Pill: nuovo video on the road!

I Paper Pill, band from Milan born overseas who I had the pleasure of meeting in person, debut today with a video all on the road shot during a motorcycle trip in Italy, France and Spain. Ecco a voi Beetween a Planet and Jet Lags, we warmly luck to Paper Pill!

paper pill cantanoMaybe because I know them personally – yes ok are one of those who knows if the leads because a vip, put it this way – but when I got the press release on the launch of “Between a Planet and Jet Lags“, first single Paper Pill, a little bit I'm excited and I thought: And will, come on guys!

Click here for the Facebook page of the Paper Pill!

“And” (guitar and vocals) made me feel very recently the work piece and I liked it right away. No one pundits ok, but I immediately felt good, nailed it. I knew that we shared a passion for two wheels and true free-range and the pleasure of traveling lounging around a curve and the other, but the surprise came to me with the video: I had no idea they would use the recorded material on board during their trip 7 days (and more than 2.000 km) for Europe.

I was expecting a play with balls of paper and instead a video in motion… You did it on purpose to make me share the video? How did the idea to launch the first single with a video entirely on the road?

And: to be honest I thought about it while I was traveling. Filming for fun and suddenly inside the helmet I realized how a song can put you in the same mood despite before you change the setting of continuous. The prospect, in conclusion, changes, you're not the same as two meters before and the music accompanies you. Between a Planet and Jet Lags that's it, accompanies you, Followers, was with me inside that helmet throughout the trip. Start with “my dear friend whom I to…”, as a sort of “dear friend I write” revisited and it's all a speech that a friend does to another. It's a song about mental journeys, I seem perfect for two wheels, do not?

Oh yes it is. Second ritual question: for the next piece we do not wait for the next trip in true motion?

And: no no, not have to wait so much although I hope to soon make me a nice motorcycle trip! Ad ogni modo stiamo lavorando all’album e speriamo di potervi dare altre belle sorprese di Natale 😉

We just have to follow you on Facebook, hope to see you again in motion, wish you good luck and… It's not that you come in my living room for a live session during an episode of vlog?


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