The positive effects of pollution for Coronavirus block

Someone brontolerà for this title, Yet among the side effects of “lockdown” Italian there are a couple of interesting concerning pollution, Mobility and Transport. A brief reflection

After the apprehension, anxiety, lo stress – when the true effects of the disease and its – this time dictated by the tyranny of COVID-19 is teaching us new things about the world, on society, on ourselves. Sometimes positive, sometimes not, but it is also a time of learning.

I do not want to talk about the virus more than you are already doing in a massive, exaggerated, desperate and controversial. But I have to name it and touch it, perché the close of business dictated by the government has produced not only the effects on the economy, but also on the environment as already reported by many press organs (eg This article ilPost) or simply detected by many people. This One, for example, is what emphasizes in this tweet my friend Silvia, author of “The day eats the night” one of the most interesting novels of the moment:

predictably – but never granted – after a few days lockdown, the air in the Po Valley is cleaner. It's not just a feeling. To confirm this is also the THAT (European Space Agency), the European Space Agency who photographed from its satellite situation. This is the picture taken in January:

While this is the one taken last 11 March:

coronavirus pollution

To be rigorous you can not take these pictures without another consideration: the activities of the bloc has not acted alone. Between the two images also occurred some favorable weather conditions as rain and wind. This awareness, however, does not alter what is plain for all, from Milan to Venice to Turin.

If we scroll Twitter the Instagram we can read the amazement of those who find themselves to see their city completely different: cleaner and breathable.

Just put your nose out the window – because I remind you that YOU ARE AT HOME! – to feel less heavy air. Not to mention the noise.

I dress a short distance from the A4 and despite the barriers there is always the foundation of vehicular. Bearable, but there is. In these days, especially at night, There is a silence that left me in disbelief on the balcony with ears pricked.

Those who live in the city barely recognize. No more chaos, sounds, smoke.

Hard not to recognize now that the pollution from transport exists, c’è. It will be increasingly difficult to argue that the only causes of pollution are industrial production or heating. Even individual transport makes its beautiful part and is now under everyone's nose.

These are the effects that we could get with the transition to electric but not only to a more informed mobility e sweep. With a more careful use of car, with a greater use of lightweight vehicles such as motorcycles and bicycles and public transport.

Because the coronavirus is an emergency temporary, but the environmental crisis is not and must be addressed immediately. The fact that a virus that attacks the respiratory system has, apparently, greater success precisely in the areas where the air is more polluted believe can bring anyone to easy conclusions.

Dream? Utopia? I hope that the emergency passed in many coronaviruses be mindful of how are our city and our plain these days quarantine.

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