The summer traffic on Pordoi, Saddle, Gardena and Falzarego is too intense: Messner is the time bands to promote tourism by bike, quality tourism. Ecco ciò che penso.
It seems that lately we have it all with motorcyclists (Do not you know there is a long ongoing debate on the use of off-road motorcycles). We have always been Ugly, Dirty and Bad, si sa, but lately there's more bitterness in the air. The stench is heard and, theme, It is not only that of our smelly and “dangerous” exhaust gas. pollute (lot eh!) and make noise. Se a questo aggiungiamo che alcuni di noi non vogliono proprio capirla di rispettare anche la minima regola non solo del codice stradale, ma neppure del buon senso, then it is easy to see how we can stay on the cock to many if not all. justifiably well.
Long time I try to make people understand the importance of motorcyclists “know how to behave”, to respect others and places. From the more time I try to explain to non-bikers who goes in motion it is not a Saving Silverman, a destroyer or trivially a danger, but it can be an asset.
The motorcyclist is a tourist. It moves, finds, houses, eats, buying petrol (much)… in other words it feeds the tourist business in the remote villages. In one day, you can also see many more of a cyclist. Yet it is increasingly frowned upon.
L’ultimo in ordine di tempo è Reinhold Messner. L'environmental mountaineer (and tourist entrepreneur) ha proposto di prohibit alle motorcycle slab 10 all 15 of summer days the Dolomites Passes, a popular destination for many of our excursions. The idea is that cyclists can enjoy peace of mind in these places without fear of being knocked down. Lo capisco al 100%.
Here the article in the Corriere Sera dellla with the proposed Messner.
Piacerebbe anche a noi motociclisti goderci quelle stesse Dolomiti senza dover schivare scriteriati che si gettano giù dal passo in bici come se stessero per conquistare la maglia rosa. O senza trovarsi intruppati in gruppi di ciclisti che non ti fanno passare mentre chiacchierano. O anche dietro a quelle odiose roulotte. Already… perché non eliminiamo tutte le roulotte?
Invece i brutti e cattivi sono sempre quelli con le moto.
What hurts the most, however,, dell’invettiva di Messner è che il ciclismo rappresenterebbe “quality tourism”, while motorcycling no. I would like to be able to discuss numbers in hand, for now recessed stroke, but I do not think that things are just like that.
I would like to have a statement of how much they spend on average a cyclist who brings energy bars from home and a motorcyclist on a day in the same valley.
The words of Messner many have raised their shields, I too have suffered.
In all honesty, however,, Messner non mi trova in totale disaccordo.
I hope you also evaluate other solutions, but I can agree on the need for action on the issue. Nessuno può pensare di avere il diritto di passare su una strada al posto di altri. The road is not cyclists, It is not the motorcyclists of all. If you give the time of day may be the solution to traffic, I agree, but I do not agree in discriminating (again) who goes in motion always clinging to issues such as pollution or the alleged little civilization.
Ricordiamo che chi va in moto paga assicurazione e bollo. Piuttosto salati pure. Paga anche tutti i pedaggi possibili immaginabili e raramente ha sconti rispetto alle auto. Ai ciclisti raramente viene chiesto un pagamento, ma nessuno di noi motociclisti ha mai gridato allo scandalo. Siamo tutti d’accordo che il ciclismo, utenza debole della strada (come se la moto fosse un’utenza forte… chiaro che non lo è!) vada aiutato e protetto.
Si cita spesso come esempio lo Stelvio che riserva due giorni l’anno alle bici: the “Day bicycle” (This year is the 27 August) and the “Mapei Day” (10 July). Just the Stelvio is the subject of a reorganization and, Apparently, could become a hire car, motorcycles and even bicycles. The ticket would go to finance an act redevelopment work… attract even more tourism. Però, Apparently, They want to be touring families, evidently still spend more virtuous cyclists.
The steps of Sella, Gardena, Pordoi and Campolongo are closed for one day instead engines per year for the Sella Ronda Bike Day. The Passo del Rombo invece è a pagamento per tutti come il Großglockner del resto. In France, instead, many Alpine passes have days set aside for bikes.
As mentioned I am not opposed to the basic regulations and inhibitions of temporary roads, provided that appropriately communicated.
Because sometimes we close this road for bikers and non-bikers AI?
Perché non riusciamo mai a far sentire le nostre motivazioni e presenza?
Give her 10 all 15 spend only bikers? Ok! Then the 15 all 17 only motorcyclists! Because you can not do? We also want to enjoy the Dolomites Passes. We bands for all! Except for caravans. Quelle proprio devono sparire 😀 (if you do not understand I'm being ironic)
It's not even totally opposed to the payment of a heavy tax, as long as you see it actually leads to benefits on the maintenance of the place and it's not just another way of spremerci.
What you just can not stand it is being discriminated against as a visitor destination because of an engine, as if cyclists – with all due respect – they were in all respects of the models to be followed only because pedaling. It's ridiculous. Many cyclists and motorcyclists are also well aware that passion does not exclude the other, or is the enemy. Maybe the same person changes and becomes good only when pedaling?
As it is clear that accidents happen to shared responsibilities by the parties. I have often found myself having to promptly react to an improper behavior of a cyclist. I tell you more. Proprio sul Passo Pordoi anni fa ero al seguito di una nota manifestazione d’auto d’epoca con la mia moto quando l’imprudenza di un ciclista costò la vita a una partecipante. At the end of a descent at full speed, the rider could not brake in time to make the hairpin. The car and her body prevented him from flying down the ravine. Ironically, She saved his life.
dear messner, when you and your colleagues will bring money ambientologi, risore and economy of motion equal to, then you can talk and pontificate from your couch in human skin or from one of your empty museums. Eliminare categorie non paga e non aiuta l’ambiente. Vorresti chiudere o limitare il traffico nei passi, nei boschi, n montagna… poi vai tu a pulire i sentieri. Poi fai tu un bonifico al commerciante sul passo. Poi pensi tu a mantenere alto il numero dei turisti in valle.
lascia stare, goditi la pensione che anche per te i tempi sono cambiati, se non sei sereno adeguati. Oppure comprati un’enduro e comincia a cpiere che non esiste solo lo scarpone.
Tra l’altro non è che tutti possono farsi lo Stelvio o il Falsarego in bici, c’è anche gente che non può per problemi fisici… Ora va bene che io non posso farli nemmeno in moto e dovrei andare in auto, però il concetto rimane.
I did the Stelvio for the first time a few days ago…there are campers that spit black clouds…but campers are green…
In my opinion, all of Italy and’ of all
And therefore everyone can visit it by any means…and cyclists can launch themselves in 80 and everyone goes downhill and is responsible for their actions. The diVieti like those reported in this post are only for snobs and radicalchics…quality is like privacy, it serves to find excuses for convenience’ biased…
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