Zero Motorcycles is preparing to be an important year with two new models and an increase in performance and autonomy and recharge times faster. I summarize the news 2016.
Zero Motorcycles ( He sent the press release announcing important changes to the 2016, tenth anniversary of the birth. Ok – I thought – tutti dicono così, but as soon as I saw what it was I realized that there are only minor changes, but there's more and far more substance than aesthetics: la Zero Motorcycles si sta preparando a fare il grande salto (or perhaps it has already done?), out of the super niche, to become a global brand of motorcycles. And this, obviously, I am pleased. Not only because I always cheer for the brave new reality, but because since I tried the Zero Motorcycles SR (by the way WHO find my video test) I changed my perspective on electric bikes. We could argue for hours about whether or not they are the future of motorcycling and mobility in general, but now that's not the point. The fact is that today the Zero Motorcycles represent a viable alternative. But let the news!
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New Products Zero Motorcycles for 2016 are many and definitely deserve a more detailed discussion, for now I will try to give an overview, but I promise to be back on the individual models with greater detail. I think the schemino here left me help you find your way more than a thousand speeches. Let's start with new models: and two are designed for completely different needs. The first is called Zero FXS and it is basically a supermotard like Business card 95 Nm (you constant reminder) on a weight of just 140 kg. The starting point, as you can imagine, è la già nota FX che viene completamente rivista per offrire maggiore reattività tra le curve e soprattutto nel misto stretto anche grazie a una dotazione più sportiva come ad esempio gli pneumatici Pirelli Diablo Rosso II. That, eye, It promises to be one of the most fun you can drive business – io spero di poterlo fare presto 🙂 – e viene proposta a un prezzo interessante, il più basso della gamma Zero: 10.390 Euro.
The second new feature – and more in line with my needs as an aspiring globe trotters – and the Zero DSR that, as the name suggests, It derives from the DS, ie the dual sport the most versatile of the range, and it increases the performance and the tourist orientation. Growing performance (torque increases even by 92 a 144 Nm e i cavalli da 54 a 67) and the efficiency of the motor Z-Force permanent magnet.
About Engine! Here too we have a big news that, however,, Can not see it: il cuore del propulsore Z-Force che anima tutte le Zero è stato riprogettato e ora i tecnici californiani ci promettono:
- Greater output more efficiently
- More rapid cooling
- Higher heat capacity, with significantly improved performance in extreme driving conditions and high speeds higher. We find the following models 2016: Zero DSR, Zero SR, Zero FXS, Zero S ZF13.0 e Zero DS ZF13.0. All clear?
Altra novità importante riguarda l’autonomia del pacco batterie con il nuovo ZF13.0 that, grazie a una nuova chimica delle celle di litio (non chiedetemi che significa) offre un aumento dei chilometri percorribili con una ricarica. Inoltre è disponibile per tutte l’accessorio Charge Tank che triplica di fatto la velocità di ricarica a patto di essere in presenza di una stazione di ricarica pubblica di secondo livello. Grazie a questa combinazione il pacco batteria ZF9.8 ora si può ricaricare del 95% in due ore circa e il nuovo ZF13.0 in 3 hours.
La gamma 2016 di Zero Motorcycles, however,, non si espande soltanto “verso l’alto”, ma anche verso il basso soprattutto grazie a un prezzo più abbordabile per la Zero S, la entry level tra le stradali, che offre comunque prestazioni interessanti e adatte in particolare al commuting urbano, al prezzo di 12.800 Euro.
Confermata infine la garanzia per le batterie di ben 5 anni o 80.000 km.