How many have an old Vespa that is stationary, unused because it has become too complicated to repair it and circulate on the street? Here is the proposal of a start up in Rimini: the Retro Kit that transforms it into electric!
Electric, two-wheel drive, as small as a moped and as tireless as a mule. It is called UBCO 2×2, it is a work vehicle but he does not know it and believes himself to be an alpinist!
NGS is the acronym that identifies the new scooter family 100% electrical and made in Italy by ASKOLL. I've been using the top of the range for a few weeks, NGS 3, and in this video I'll tell you everything about him.
Summer time to escape to the city! Mine continue “raid” citizens riding Askoll eS3 evo to discover our cities: this time the protagonist is the royal Turin
According to a German study published by Autoplus and recovered yesterday by ANSA, an electric car like the Tesla Model 3 It produces more CO2 than a diesel Mercedes C220. Something, however,, does not return…
In 2017 si può fare turismo con la moto elettrica?
Con Zero Motorcycles sono stato alla Eco Dolomites, riservata a soli veicoli elettrici. Ecco tutta la verità in diretta da un week-end del futuro.