Shortage of ideas on how to celebrate your birthday? Semplice! Just take the bike and go. Guarda su questo motovlog come abbiamo festeggiato il mio!
In motovlog di questa settimana lascio che siano le immagini e la musica, più che le mie parole, a raccontarti cosa mi è successo.
Qualche giorno fa è stato il mio compleanno. Ebbene sì, I get older even if – lo so bene – He always seems so young, fresh and (soprattutto) atletico… Far from wanting to program something to celebrate my birthday, I have not bothered to arrange anything. But chatting with some friends was coming off the anniversary and there was nothing more to do, We into their heads that day I had to pass on what we are passionate about: la moto ovviamente.
Da un po’, in realtà, ci lamentavamo di non aver mai occasione di mettere le ruote fuori strada su uno dei bei percorsi che ci offre lo splendido territorio ligure, so I suspect that the gang was trying only an excuse to do it. Preso dunque a pretesto il mio compleanno, we loaded the bare essentials on the bikes and we left Milan towards Imperia. What happened Well, cerco di mostrartelo in questo motovlog.
As long as I was on my bike, I thought about how often we invent excuses for not starting, to delay. Senza volerlo ci convinciamo che tutto debba essere perfettamente organizzato, ci imponiamo stupidi timori. In fact we almost always afraid to throw the little free time that we can devote to ourselves and this is the most bitter part. Instead we must also enjoy it that little time, without anxiety, without giving ourselves pressure, just grab and go.
La vita è troppo breve per non passarla in sella a una moto o bere cattivo vino.
Armed with KTM 1190, 990 Adventure e Yamaha XT600 e Ténéré, We spent a wild two days in the woods. The stuff of heroes? since hard? Niente affatto, to everyone! Now that's a great birthday party!! It takes so little! Avanti, stop you menate, take the bike and go!
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